Saturday 20 December 2008

The first day on a journey to find 'it'

The first day is always the hardest be starting school, a job or in my case, my first Blog. The feeling of anxiety as you face the unknown digs into the pit of your stomach.

I feel the only way to get through my first day is to introduce myself and spew out all that is held within in a hope that this will alleviate this anxiety that has taken hold.

Well i'm Lee from the UK.. 33 years old average 'joe' with a dream that someday I will be somebody or something that defines me and makes me think... I knew I could do it.. 'It' being the biggest quest of my life and 'It' being the hardest thing to define.

My journey starts with a gambling problem and no decent income to make anything of myself. In other words I'm starting from the complete bottom pit of nothingness. What better way to start day one that at the bottom. At least I can go upwards from here with hope of something.

So here's to a start of a journey that could lead me to finding my 'it'